Image Masking Service

  • Only $1.5 per photo masking. Fast 12 hours reshaping service.

Simple Hair Masking Service

Before After clipping world studio simple image masking beforeImage Masking Service

Simple Hair Masking service is a photoshop-based image editing method that is to remove the background from around a subject with hairs or slight fuzziness. It is a manual method where the subject is selected and the background is removed using the Quick Action>Remove background option in Adobe Photoshop.
Simple Hair masking service is carried out on subjects with slightly fuzzy textures like straight human hair, or feather accessories, and images are used by Ad-agencies, Magazines, and Online businesses.

Complex Hair Masking Service

Complex Hair Masking Service is also a background removal technique carried out in a similar way as simple hair masking services the only difference being the edges are too hairy or fuzzy, so some additional tools are required. This masking service is more suitable for editing subjects with curly hairdos, windblown model hair, furry animals,s or apparel. 
Images produced by using Complex hair masking services are often used by Ad-agencies, magazines, e-Commerce businesses, brochures, pamphlets, and many more. 

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Layer masking service

Before After clipping world studio brush masking beforeImage Masking Services

Layer masking service is the most used and asked for form of masking service. Layer masking helps to create different layers on the images without altering the image completely and lets you edit the layers separately if needed. This process can be used to create a gradient on the images or to remove the background of a fuzzy subject (i.e. hairs, fur), which is hard to do with the Clipping Path technique.
Layer masking is all about changing the opacity of the layers to create a gradient. Images with layer masking are used in different fields like magazines, fashion photography, Ad agencies, etc.
At Clipping World Studio we have professional masking experts who are here to help you with your Layer masking projects with utmost accuracy.

Alpha Hair Masking Service

Alpha Channel Masking is a bit more complex method than Layer Masking. Its mainly used to remove the background from around a very fuzzy subject, which is carried out by changing the contrast around an image multiple times to find the right color contrast. And then the “color decontaminate” is applied to the image to permanently mask the image and remove the background with utmost accuracy. This effect, however, cannot be altered later and is permanent and so it is wise to keep a duplicate/copy of the image before applying “color decontaminate” in case the result doesn’t look perfect.
Alpha Channel Masking requires more expertise and accuracy to carry out than other masking techniques as it is harder to get it right. Clipping World studio has a team of skilled professionals who excel at Alpha Channel Masking Services.

Before After clipping world studio alpha complex masking beforeclipping world studio alpha complex masking after

How Does It Work

Our team provides seamless Image Masking services which will be delivered to you depending on the timing of the project plan package of your choice.

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What is Image Masking service

Image masking service is a photoshop based editing service that deals with background removal of furry, fuzzy, hairy, or transparent edges. 

Image masking techniques usually deals with background removal of subjects with fuzzy hairy or furry edges which are hard to do with manual drawing of Clipping path and thus uses a more efficient technique of masking which is done by color contrasting and decontamination of photos. There are a lot of techniques and some are destructive and some forms of image masking are non-destructive and the layers can be separately changed later depending on the need.

Image masking service is required for Ad-agencies, magazines, brochures pamphlets and e-Commerce platforms. Image masking requires experience, skill and utmost accuracy when applied and so its better to have a professional do it for you.

Why us ?

Clipping World Studio’s image masking service is suitable for: removing background or isolating an image, creating ads, magazine covers with models, etc., applying drop shadows to an image with fine edges, models with raised and windblown hairs, creating gradients on translucent and transparent objects, furry animals, intricate jewelry, etc.
All of the above techniques require expertise in lots of tools and experience in editing bulk images. Clipping World Studio has no shortage of that. 

At Clipping world studio we offer you high quality, image dependent Image Masking services at the most affordable prices. Our team members are dedicated  and hardworking skilled professionals. Editing image in bulk requires a lot of time, effort skill and patience, so Clipping World Studio is here to help you. We offer you high quality and flawless masking services at a low price.